Membership and Interest
Although membership in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is by invitation only, we encourage interested women with a track record of community service and in possession of a baccalaureate degree to express an interest for more information.
Women who do not have a college degree, but wish to support Zeta’s community service initiatives may qualify for membership in the Zeta Amicae (uh-MEE-kī) auxiliary group.
If you are interested in reactivating or transferring your membership, we invite you to consider joining the Exquisite Ladies of Eta Phi Zeta. Please complete the form below stating that you are
Reclaimed and Transfer Sororsmember. A member of our membership committee will contact you shortly.
Information Request
The Ladies of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. appreciate your interest. If you would like more information about membership, please fill out the form below.